Live Your Life Insurance: Surprising Strategies to Build Lifelong Prosperity with Your Whole Life Policy
Kim D. H. Butler (2009) Visit book's Amazon Page [https://amzn.to/

What Would the Rockefellers Do?: How the Wealthy Get and Stay That Way, and How You Can Too
Garrett B. Gunderson (2018) Visit book's Bookshop Page [https://store.dayo.blog/

Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team
Simon Sinek, David Mead, Peter Docker (2017) Visit book's Bookshop Page [https:

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
Simon Sinek (2009) Visit book's Bookshop Page [https://store.dayo.blog/5d3c7]

Be That Giant
You can become whatever you so decide to be.

Tasty Dopamine Treats
A silly parody on the craving for validation on social network sites

The Bane Of Adulthood
"Adults are obsolete children" - Dr. Seuss