Dear friend, please do not refuse this favor I'm about to ask of thee
I ain't joking, this is really urgent and super important to me
You see, it's not even complicated, just a simple quick itty bitty click
It won't even take you a minute, you don't need no magic tricks
The bottom line is this - I want your likes, I'll appreciate your retweets
I'm needing your comments badly, so please don't make 'em discreet
Be it a gif or an emoji, I promise to acknowledge the receipt
If I don't get them now, I'll end up all moody, wallowing in defeat
And I repeat, this is serious, I've built my life and career around this
So it won't be fair for you blow me off or tell silly jokes about it
If you really call yourself a friend, you oughta care about my feelings
My posts mean a lot to me - without them, my life really ain't got no meaning
Feedbacks get me high, they're like crack cocaine - and I'll be fiending
Get my timeline busy and you'll find me gleaming and beaming
With smiles like a child, for a while, you see, that's my style
To cut a long story short, it makes life really worth the while
Even after spilling my heart out here, some of y'all still won't do a damn thing
From the bottom of my heart, I promise you, y'all are getting un-friended :(
Tasty Dopamine Treats
A silly parody on the craving for validation on social network sites