Life's a school of unending experiences, so we learn new things every day
My life has definitely been a joy to me, no matter where I go, in many-a-ways
For the daily gift of life, true praise I'll forever give to God handsomely
He decided to bless this boy in many ways, especially with an awesome family
Totally outnumbered, the simple truth is I pretty much live in a girls' dormitory
Wisdom and patience to handle varying temperaments are pretty mandatory
So it's not being an easy ride, definitely hasn't been a bed of roses
But I'm grateful for my ladies, I ain't trying to keep up with the Joneses
Couldn't ask for better daughters, they jump with joy when they hear my voice
Been told and I've seen girls care more for their parents more than boys
Now you're all fond of me, wanting me following you around like a caddy
When the teenage years come, promise you won't be mean to dear Daddy
As long as I have breath in me, I'll be the one to chauffeur you to college
I'll do the best Daddy-Daughter Dance you've ever seen at your marriage
I'd be glad to give your children lovely Yoruba names like yours - if you ask
Listen, girls, I got your back, fatherly love is something you will never lack
I wanna be around till I'm 90 but I do not want to go into a nursing home
I'd rather chill with the grandkids and talk about the VR apps on their phones
I'll even babysit for free, drop them off at ours, nothing else you'll be needing
Just erase from your mind Maybe Mom and Dad would move into assisted living
When your kids have their own babies, I wanna hold them in my arms
With joy in my heart, praising God for blessing me and all that concerns me
No matter how old the two of you get, you'll forever be my babies
Life without you both would be very empty, uneventful and totally wasted
Mastering Dad-o-sophy
A Heartfelt Poetic Love Letter To My Daughters